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$360 will sponsor a Sunday morning Bagel Brunch.
$250 will sponsor an Ice Cream Parlor at USF.
$500 will sponsor a Shabbat dinner for up to 75 students at one of our campuses.
$540 will sponsor a series of Jewish educational programs.
$1000 will sponsor a High Holiday, Chanukah or Purim celebration at one of our campuses.
$1,080 will send one student to a national conference.
$1,500 will pay for an outdoor basketball hoop and mini-court at USF.
$2,500 will pay for a Passover Seder for 100 students at one of our campuses.
$3,000 will sponsor all expenses surrounding pre-Birthright orientation and follow through programs after the trip.
$3,600 will sponsor Week of Welcome Programs at USF.

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